Huan Ning
Huan Ning is a GIScience Ph.D. student at the Department of Geography. Before obtaining a Master's degree from the University of South Carolina (USC), Huan got a Bachelor's degree in GIScience from Wuhan University, China, and worked in the industry for over ten years as a spatial data engineer. He spent three doctoral semesters at the New Jersey Institute of Technology before moving back to USC, then transferred to Pennsylvania State University. Huan likes to develop algorithms and use new technology to process and analyze spatial data for social good. Most of his work is based on machine learning. His current research interest covers autonomous GIS, big data in public health, artificial intelligence in geography, and urban sensing by data fusion. Huan’s recent work includes developing a wheelchair mobility index at neighborhood and building level using street view images, and COVID-19 Spreading in metropolitan areas. He also published various studies on spatial image analysis for urban planning and disaster response.