Apply for the E. Willard Miller Award
To apply for the E. Willard Miller Award, follow the instructions and guidelines below.
Please direct questions to the chair of the awards committee,
Dr. Kim Van Meter
To encourage accomplished written, graphic and/or analytical expression by students as part of their degree program in geography.
Undergraduate majors and graduate students in geography.
- A cash award and a plaque will be given for a written paper, cartographic and/or software entry, and written research proposal.
- There are two awards at each level for both categories. The cash award for first prize is $600 and $400 for the second prize.
General Guidelines
- The student must be a geography major.
- The entry must have a geographic theme.
- A student may submit only one entry.
- Indicate type of entry (i.e., paper or proposal)
- Indicate level of entry (i.e., undergraduate, M.A., Ph.D.)
- The entry must be submitted by the student.
- Past winners of the award are not eligible.
- Originality of concept and execution is expected.
- The paper must be typed to conform to thesis standards.
- If a paper is submitted in several College competitions, it may receive only one award.
- The paper must be by a single author.
Submission Requirements
- Submit a PDF of your paper to Cierra Naglowsky by email to
- Submitted file should follow the following naming convention: Last Name _ First Name _ Level (UG,MA,Phd)_Category (Paper,Proposal,Software,Cartography).pdf
- Due date is March 7.
Guidelines for Written Entries
- Papers or research proposals should not exceed 5,000 words in length.
- Theses are not acceptable, but self-contained excerpts are welcome.
- Revised versions of previously published works are acceptable.
- The paper should be carefully proofread by the student.
Guidelines for Cartographic Entries
- Graphic entries must be accompanied by 500-700 word written descriptions of the purpose of the work and the sources and methods by which it was created.
Guidelines for Software Entries
- Students wishing to submit software may arrange appointments with the awards committee to demonstrate their work.
- Software entries must be accompanied by 500-700 word descriptions of purpose, sources and methods.
Guidelines for Research Proposals
- This will include papers that document a student's research plans—including research set-up (literature review, research questions, research design, and research methods) for the purpose of field study, and estimated costs.
- Miller awardees may still apply to the department endowment funds earmarked for student research field work and travel.
Note: Funds for awardees will be dispensed into student accounts prior to June 30.