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Abdul-Salam Jahanfo Abdulai Graduate Student (Ph.D.) apa6356@psu.edu Expertise: Climate Change Adaptation, Agriculture, Biodiversity Conservation, Livelihoods, Natural Resource Management, Urban Sustainability, Sustainable development |
Ronald Abler Professor Emeritus of Geography rabler@aag.org Expertise: geography of communications systems, history of geographic thought |
Daniela Aiello Assistant Professor of Geography dpa5460@psu.edu Expertise: Urban political economy, Housing inequality, community-based research, tenant organizing, anti-racism , anti-colonialism |
Temitope Akinboyewa Graduate Student (Ph.D.) tea5209@psu.edu Expertise: GIS, Remote Sensing, Machine Learning, Big data analytics, Spatial modeling, Public health, Environmental change |
Nafisa Anjum Graduate Student (Ph.D.) nka5437@psu.edu Expertise: Neighborhood and built environment, Health disparity, Urban sustainability, Mixed-method research, GIS |
Todd Bacastow Emeritus Teaching Professor bacastow@psu.edu Expertise: geospatial Intelligence, analytic Methods, GIS, comparative Analysis, cognitive Processes |
Mahsa Bahrami Graduate Student (Ph.D.) zvb5148@psu.edu Expertise: Cryosphere System Interactions, Supraglacial Lakes, Remote Sensing |
Jennifer Baka Associate Professor of Geography jeb525@psu.edu Expertise: energy geographies, political-industrial ecology, environmental governance |
Ledeebari Banuna Graduate Student (M.S. + Ph.D.) lpb5411@psu.edu Expertise: plant biodiversity conservation, decolonial and sustainable development in Africa, indigenous rights, food sovereignty, agroecology |
Nethmi Bathige Graduate Student (Ph.D) njb5958@psu.edu Expertise: Critical Agrarian Studies, Feminist Political Ecology, Irrigation and Water Management, South Asia, Food Security and Dietary Diversity, Climate Smart Agriculture |
Ryan Baxter Associate Teaching Professor rbaxter@psu.edu Expertise: geospatial technologies, land-use change, data management and distribution, energy |
Trevor Birkenholtz Professor of Geography tlb5964@psu.edu Expertise: political ecology, development, social theory, nature-society relations, gender-dynamics, South Asia, water resources |
Alejandra Bonilla Mena Graduate Student (Ph.D.) apb6399@psu.edu Expertise: urban and economic geography, real estate markets, financialization, housing, entrepreneurship governments |
Cynthia Brewer Associate Dean for Faculty Affairs, College of Information Sciences and Technology cab38@psu.edu Expertise: cartographic communication and visualization, map design, color theory, multi-scale mapping, atlas production, topographic maps, cartography |
Ruth Buck Graduate Student (M.S. + Ph.D.) rkb5550@psu.edu Expertise: redistricting, population, scale, segregation, GIS |
Amy Burnicki Associate Teaching Professor acb154@psu.edu Expertise: spatial data analysis, spatial statistics, quantitative modeling, land change science, transportation, environmental engineering applications |
Andrew Carleton Professor Emeritus of Geography amc7@psu.edu Expertise: climatology, synoptic climatology, climate dynamics, climate impacts of aviation contrails, human impacts on climate, climate variability and change, land surface-climate interactions, polar climatology, polar lows, Southern Ocean, Antarctica |
Carolina Carrion Klier Graduate Student (Ph.D.) czc6192@psu.edu Expertise: remote sensing, vegetation mapping, machine learning, Galapagos Islands, drone photogrammetry |
Guido Cervone Professor of Geography and Meteorology & Atmospheric Science (MAS) cervone@psu.edu Expertise: environmental hazards, remote sensing, geoinformatics, social media |
E. Willard and Ruby S. Miller Professorship | |
Shuyu Chang Graduate Student (Ph.D.) shuyu.chang@psu.edu Expertise: ecohydrology, contaminant transport, deep learning, remote sensing, Chesapeake Bay |
Connor Chapman Graduate Student (M.S. + Ph.D.) cjc358@psu.edu Expertise: Climate Science, Physical Geography, Land-atmosphere Interactions |
Mei-Huan Chen Graduate Student (Ph.D.) mzc496@psu.edu Expertise: political ecology, environmental and water governance, infrastructural geographies |
Yu-Chen Chuang Graduate Student (Ph.D) ybc5502@psu.edu Expertise: political ecology, environmental planning and governance, politics of knowledge, Indigenous peoples, East Asia |
Robert Crane Professor Emeritus of Geography rqc3@psu.edu Expertise: climatology, regional scale climate change, African climates |
Marnie Deibler Proposal and Award Generalist mpr5@psu.edu Expertise: research proposals and awards, promotion and tenure dossiers, faculty reports |
Jim Detwiler Associate Teaching Professor jed124@psu.edu Expertise: geospatial programming, web mapping, spatial databases, climate |
Ida Djenontin Assistant Professor of Geography ind5050@psu.edu Expertise: environment-development governance, agro-forest systems, climate change adaptation and mitigation, sustainable livelihoods, equity, knowledge co-production, sub-Saharan Africa |
Lorraine Dowler Professor of Geography and Women's, Gender and Sexuality Studies lxd17@psu.edu Expertise: political geography, gender, qualitative methods, feminist geopolitics |
Affiliate faculty in School of International Affairs (SIA) | |
Roger Downs Professor Emeritus of Geography rd7@psu.edu Expertise: spatial cognition, cognitive development, geography education, behavioral geography |
William Easterling Professor Emeritus of Geography and Agronomy wee2@psu.edu Expertise: environmental change, agricultural systems, climate, renewable natural resources, land use |
Faisal Elias Graduate Student (Ph.D.) fxe5040@psu.edu Expertise: Environmental Governance, Political Ecology, Landscape Restoration, GIS |
Rodney Erickson 17th President of Penn State rae@psu.edu Expertise: economic and urban geography, international trade, regional economic development |
Chris Fowler Associate Professor of Geography and Demography; Associate Faculty, Population Research Institute (PRI); Courtesy appointment in Demography csfowler@psu.edu Expertise: inequality, population, scale, economic, urban, race, segregation |
Susan Friedman Affiliate Instructor swf3@psu.edu Expertise: historical geography, social geography, history of geography |
Brandi Gaertner Assistant Teaching Professor bah6009@psu.edu Expertise: hydrology, climate change, normalized difference vegetation index (NDVI) , growing season length, spatial analysis, spatial statistics, R statistical programming and modeling, GISciences |
Panagiotis Giannakis Assistant Teaching Professor pmg5371@psu.edu Expertise: economic geography, strategic management, social networks |
Zach Goldberg Graduate Student (Ph.D.) zag5022@psu.edu Expertise: agroecology, food-energy-water nexus, politcal ecology, utility-scale solar energy development, community seed networks |
Adrienne Goldsberry Associate Teaching Professor adg30@psu.edu Expertise: GIS education, urban planning, environmental perception & attitudes |
Nikolay Golosov Graduate Student (Ph.D.) golosov@psu.edu Expertise: cartography, geovisualization, GIS, geospatial programming |
Larry Gorenflo Professor of Landscape Architecture, Geography, African Studies, and Anthropology ljg11@psu.edu Expertise: GIS science, biodiversity conservation, human ecology |
MacKenzie Goss Graduate Program Assistant mng5361@psu.edu Expertise: graduate appointments, grad admissions support, advise on grad policies |
Helen Greatrex Assistant Professor of Geography and Statistics hlg5155@psu.edu Expertise: weather risk management, geostatistics, uncertainty estimation, historical weather analysis, satellite rainfall estimation, index insurance, agricultural modeling, social equity |
Casey Hamilton Graduate Student (M.S. + Ph.D.) cwh5643@psu.edu Expertise: landscape ecology, GIS, remote sensing, disturbance |
Owen Harrington Graduate Student (M.S. + Ph.D.) ofh5033@psu.edu Expertise: energy, political economy, political ecology, critical theory, theories of knowledge, Marxist geography |
Sanae Hartmann Graduate Student (Ph.D.) sanaehartmann@psu.edu Expertise: feminist geopolitics, anti-colonial science and technology studies, bioremediation, feminist political-ecology |
Robert Hibbert IT Support Specialist rlh23@psu.edu Expertise: department computer laboratories, IT technical support |
Kiely Hine Graduate Student (M.S. + Ph.D.) kjh6418@psu.edu Expertise: water quality, wetlands, biogeochemistry, hydrology |
Deryck Holdsworth Professor Emeritus of Geography dwh6@psu.edu Expertise: urban historical geography, historical geography of North America, historial GIS |
Louisa Holmes Associate Professor of Geography and Demography lmholmes@psu.edu Expertise: health disparities, substance use, socio-spatial determinants of health, urban health, environmental justice, migration, demographic and geospatial research methods |
Lily Houtman Graduate Student (M.S. + Ph.D.) lmh5991@psu.edu Expertise: cartography, data journalism, mobile and web mapping, user experience design, Queer and Trans theory, science communication, pedagogy |
Zhengrui Huang Graduate Student (Ph.D.) zqh5210@psu.edu Expertise: optimization theory, deep learning, remote sensing, cryosphere |
Joshua Inwood Professor of Geography jfi6@psu.edu Expertise: memory studies, landscape, race and racism, truth commissions, cultural geography, urban geography |
Alicia Iverson GeoGraphics Lab Manager & Lecturer aliciaiverson@psu.edu Expertise: Cartography, GIS |
Gregory Jenkins Professor of Meteorology & Atmospheric Science and Geography gsj1@psu.edu Expertise: atmospheric/air chemistry, climate, tropical meteorology, Africa |
Halie Kampman Postdoctoral Scholar hxk5547@psu.edu Expertise: health geographies, political ecology of health, science and technology studies, postcolonial studies, food studies |
Fritz Kessler Teaching Professor fck2@psu.edu Expertise: map projections, datums, cartographic design, history of cartography, spatial analysis, qualitative analysis |
F.M. Kim Graduate Student (M.S. + Ph.D.) fmkim@psu.edu Expertise: neoliberalism, economy, data visualization, belonging, feminist and Queer theories, GIS |
Beth King Associate Teaching Professor exf107@psu.edu Expertise: GIS, data management, geospatial analysis, online education |
Brian King Head of Department king@psu.edu Expertise: development, conservation, Southern Africa, cultural and political ecology, health, livelihoods, justice |
Denise Kloehr Administrative Support Manager dak28@psu.edu Expertise: administer department budgets, supervise department staff, salaries, advise on procedures, HR |
Sophie Lelei Graduate Student (M.S. + Ph.D.) sul1056@psu.edu Expertise: data visualization, East-Africa |
Naser Lessani Ph.D. Student mlessani@psu.edu Expertise: Big data analysis, GeoAI, Cartography |
Zhenlong Li Associate Professor of Geography zhenlong@psu.edu Expertise: GIScience, Geospatial Big Data, Spatial Computing, GeoAI, Human Mobility, Social Media Analytics |
Yan Lin Associate Professor of Geography yanlin@psu.edu Expertise: GIScience, Spatial analysis and modeling, Health & Medical Geography, Uncertainties, Community environmental health, Cancer disparities |
Zhuoming Liu Graduate Student (Ph.D.) zxl5644@psu.edu |
Alan MacEachren Professor Emeritus of Geography and Information Science & Technology maceachren@psu.edu Expertise: visual analytics, geovisualization, geographic information retrieval, place & big data |
Stephen Matthews Emeritus Professor of Sociology, Anthropology, Geography & Demography sxm27@psu.edu Expertise: demography, health, mortality, inequality, spatial analysis |
Eden Mekonen Graduate Student (M.S. + Ph.D.) evm5746@psu.edu Expertise: Identity, othering and belonging, diaspora/(Im)migration, Horn of Africa, critical theory |
Tiza Mfuni Graduate Student (M.S. + Ph.D.) tim5357@psu.edu Expertise: GIS, remote sensing, forestry, rural African livelihoods, conservation, climate change |
Doug Miller Research Professor Emeritus dam8@psu.edu Expertise: remote sensing, geomorphology, soils, GIS, landscape ecology, small unmanned autonomous systems |
Karan Misquitta Graduate Student (Ph.D.) kjm6596@psu.edu Expertise: Natural resource management, groundwater, collective action |
Mary Mugeni Graduate Student (Ph.D.) mnm5745@psu.edu Expertise: Sub-Sahara Africa, Climate change, Urban sustainability, Mixed method research, Political Ecology |
Cierra Naglowsky Academic Program Coordinator cbn5240@psu.edu Expertise: department receptionist, undergraduate program, coordination for purchasing, facilities, and event planning |
Victoria Nimmo Assistant Teaching Professor vpn5078@psu.edu Expertise: Agroecology, plant physiology, plant functional traits, soils |
Huan Ning Graduate Student (Ph.D.) hmn5304@psu.edu Expertise: Computational GIScience, GeoAI, big data |
Belen Norona Assistant Professor of Geography mbnorona@psu.edu Expertise: Amazon Region, feminist political ecology, oil extraction, Indigenous people, non-representational cartography |
Norman Ornelas Jr. Graduate Student (Ph.D.) nxo7@psu.edu Expertise: economic geography, racialization, Queer and feminist theory, decolonial studies, urban geography |
Mark Ortiz Assistant Professor of Geography mark.ortiz@psu.edu Expertise: climate justice, youth, social movements |
Suraiya Parvin Graduate Student (Ph.D.) svp6104@psu.edu Expertise: health and place, immigrants, place attachment, migration, cultural geography, GIS |
Donna Peuquet Professor Emerita of Geography peuquet@psu.edu Expertise: geographic information science, space-time representation, spatial data models, environmental cognition |
Nathan Piekielek Geospatial Librarian and Associate Professor of Geography nbp104@psu.edu Expertise: geographic information science, remote sensing and spatial analysis geospatial research support , landscape ecology and conservation , interdisciplinary social and natural science research |
Bronwen Powell Associate Professor of Geography, African Studies, and Anthropology bxp15@psu.edu Expertise: biodiversity and nutrition, wild and forest foods, dietary patterns and dietary diversity, traditional food systems, applied research for improved policy and practice |
Prakriti Prajapati Graduate Student (Ph.D.) pmp5473@psu.edu Expertise: water governance, everyday state, politics of knowledge, infrastructural geographies, normative ethics, public policy |
Jessica Preller Graduate Student (Ph.D.) kromer@psu.edu Expertise: climate variability and change, cryosphere system interactions, ice sheet surface mass balance, remote sensing |
Timothy Prestby Graduate Student (M.S. + Ph.D.) tprestby@psu.edu Expertise: cartographic design, geovisualization, interactive maps, visual storytelling, UX design |
Krista Pylant Marketing Communications Specialist kqp5592@psu.edu Expertise: departmental communications, social media, website content, news |
Elise Quinn Graduate Student ( M.S. + Ph.D.) eaq10@psu.edu Expertise: the Black radical tradition, racial capitalism, feminist epistemology and knowledge production, postcolonial and critical theory, communities of care, spaces of affirmation |
Sarah Jasmine Riadi Graduate Student (Ph.D.) sjr6360@psu.edu Expertise: Land Use Change, Urban Environment, Spatial Data Analysis |
Anthony Robinson Professor of Geography acr181@psu.edu Expertise: geovisual analytics, cartography, user-centered design, geovisualization, information visualization |
Emily Rosenman Assistant Professor of Geography ekr5260@psu.edu Expertise: urban and economic geography, financialization, philanthropy, housing, debt, public finance |
Marie Louise Ryan Graduate Student (Ph.D.) mdr259@psu.edu |
Samrin Sauda Graduate Student (Ph.D.) sss6318@psu.edu Expertise: Hydroclimatology, Remote sensing, Machine learning, Hydrology, Natural Hazards |
Kristin Schoenecker Graduate Student (M.S. + Ph.D.) kps6081@psu.edu Expertise: political ecology, stormwater, energy transitions, governance, infrastructure, urban-rural dynamics |
Karen Schuckman Associate Teaching Professor kls505@psu.edu Expertise: photogrammetry, lidar, UAS mapping, accuracy assessment |
Harman Singh Graduate Student (M.S. + Ph.D.) hxs5376@psu.edu Expertise: natural hazards, floods, GIS, climate science, statistics |
Erica Smithwick Distinguished Professor of Geography and Ecology smithwick@psu.edu Expertise: landscape ecology, ecosystem ecology, biogeochemistry, fire ecology |
Billy Southern Graduate Student (Ph.D.) bms6724@psu.edu Expertise: Poverty, affluence, and inequality, Segregation , Urban studies and placemaking |
Olivia Spencer Graduate Student (M.S. + Ph.D.) obs5088@psu.edu Expertise: landscape ecology, remote sensing, GIS, climate change |
Mandy Sprout Financial Associate met15@psu.edu Expertise: reimbursement, wage payroll, award disbursement, Award and scholarship disbursements, budget monitoring |
Marcela Suarez Assistant Teaching Professor marcela.suarez@psu.edu Expertise: spatial data science, GIScience, cartography, emergency management, spatio-temporal data mining, spatial data quality |
Zhaoxu Sui Graduate Student (Ph.D.) zxs5236@psu.edu Expertise: cartographic design, critical cartography, toponymy, datavisualization, political geography |
Mobashsira Tasnim Graduate Student (Ph.D.) mqt5706@psu.edu Expertise: Landscape Ecology, Remote Sensing, Fire Ecology |
Alan Taylor Professor Emeritus of Geography aht1@psu.edu Expertise: landscape ecology, fire ecology, disturbance and climate effects on vegetation, biogeography, biological conservation, environmental management, paleoecology |
Gregory Thomas Associate Teaching Professor gat5@psu.edu Expertise: geospatial intelligence, intelligence analysis, homeland security |
Lucy Thompson Graduate Student (M.S. + Ph.D.) lft5208@psu.edu Expertise: gender, Appalachia, environmental justice, activism, environmental theory |
Nishant Tiwari Graduate Student (Ph.D.) nzt5261@psu.edu Expertise: Remote Sensing, Cryosphere, Machine Learning |
Luke Trusel Assistant Professor of Geography trusel@psu.edu Expertise: climate variability and change, ice sheet surface mass balance, ice core paleoclimatology, remote sensing |
Saumya Vaishnava Graduate Student (M.S. + Ph.D.) suv276@psu.edu Expertise: political economy of energy, energy infrastructure, technology, South Asia, governance |
Kimberly Van Meter Assistant Professor of Geography vanmeterkvm@psu.edu Expertise: water quality, wetlands, biogeochemistry, environmental modeling, remote sensing, human-environment interactions |
Justin VanderBerg Adjunct Lecturer jdv150@psu.edu Expertise: Urban Heat Islands, Climate Change Vulnerability, Integrated Spatial Analysis |
Jodi Vender Coordinator of Undergraduate and Alumni Programs jvender@psu.edu Expertise: academic advising for undergraduate students, curriculum planning, alumni engagement |
Shujie Wang Assistant Professor of Geography skw5660@psu.edu Expertise: cryosphere, remote sensing, machine learning |
Denice Wardrop Research Professor dhw110@psu.edu Expertise: ecological indicator development, monitoring and assessment for environmental management, wetland ecosystem services, impacts of anthropogenic change |
Jared Whear Assistant Research Professor jcw6113@psu.edu Expertise: political ecology, legal geography , sustainability , environmental conflict , logistics , water governance |
Melissa W. Wright Professor of Geography and Women's, Gender & Sexuality Studies mww11@psu.edu Expertise: critical geography, urban landscapes, Mexico-US borderlands, Latin America, intersectional feminist and critical race studies, social Movements, post-colonial and decolonial studies |
Ruby S. and E. Willard Miller Professor in Geography | |
Lakshman Yapa Professor Emeritus of Geography lxy3@psu.edu Expertise: Post-modern discourse theory, Third World, theories of poverty, community development, GIS applications, public scholarship and service learning |
Brent Yarnal Professor Emeritus of Geography alibar@psu.edu Expertise: global change in local places, climate variation and change, land-use/land-cover change, natural hazards, coupled human-environment systems |
Manzhu Yu Assistant Professor of Geography mqy5198@psu.edu Expertise: geographic information science, spatiotemporal theories and applications, big data and cloud computing, natural hazards and extreme weather, environmental informatics, spatial data science and deep learning |
Michelle Zeiders Associate Teaching Professor mgz1@psu.edu Expertise: GIS, spatial analysis, online geospatial education, geoenvironmental studies |
Lilly Zeitler Graduate Student (Ph.D.) lmz5288@psu.edu Expertise: sustainable nutrition, tropical agroecology, agroforestry, ethnobotany, climate change |
Shiyan Zhang Graduate Student (Ph.D.) szz5367@psu.edu Expertise: GIS application, Python, R programming, machine learning/deep learning, database, trajectory analysis |
Karl Zimmerer Professor of Geography, Ecology, and Rural Sociology ksz2@psu.edu Expertise: land use and agricultural change/global change, economic development/globalization/neoliberalism, nature-society and human-environment theory environmental impacts (biodiversity/soils/water/conservation), food/producer-consumer networks/sustainability |